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Sunday, February 6, 2011

Acquittal of Alexandra R., Spiegel Online 3 November 2009

Acquittal of Alexandra R., Spiegel Online 3 November 2009 Tube. Duration : 2.23 Mins.

Alexandra was acquitted today. Although prosecutors die, and accumulates was final indictment, "the general reasons for preventing said in prison, three years have seen the end of the guilt of the survey conducted Alexandra District Court person. After all, the argument, and even die Verteidiger_innen Alexandra criticized the circumstances of his death, which is due dass Alexandra 156 days "spent in custody innocent. The prosecutor accused the politicalThe pressure was acted knowingly made false and the investigation of the investigation into the death. The prosecution represented by Andrea Hoffman Estates, objectives, such as Alexandra "to condemn the fighters. This impression is reinforced by the fact that women, dass die shortly after the announcement, prosecutors, the sentences, the action potential. The court not yet final. The purpose of the speaker to the pressurethe team observed Suns: .. "Arrested after the war, the first suspect, Alexandra, appeared again today due to a lack of clarity, all the incriminating evidence of die Attorney Alexandra was the construction of innocence, the only thing that 'they ordered a political conviction. The fact that, from die start of the policy under the hat, you know that Alex is moving to the left of the site, you are probablyEven now, not later than ...

Tags: Antifa, Repression, Knast, Untersuchungshaft, U-Haft, JVA, Moabit, Prozess, Gericht, Staatsanwaltschaft, Brandstiftung, technischer, Defekt, Richter, Ralf, Fischer, Staatsanwältin, Pamela, Kaminski, Oberstaatsanwalt, Thomas, Schwarz, Gutachter, Geyer-Lippmann, Peter, Rabes, Gutachten, Hetze, Hassbrenner, brennende, Autos, Abendschau, rbb, Autonome, Gentrification, Justizskandal, politische, Verfolgung, Tim, H., Alexandra, R., Tobias, P., Solidarität, Engarde, Soligruppe,, Freispruch

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