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Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Deconstructing Cravings

My clients often come to me with cravings for sugar. The cravings hit them in the afternoon or the evening (or both), and once they hit, they're almost impossible to ignore. Does this sound familiar?

When we "give in" to cravings we often feel that we have failed because we did not have the willpower to say "no." Are cravings due to lack of willpower or discipline? I'd like to recommend that cravings are not a problem. They are primary pieces of data that tell you what your body needs.


The body is an fantastic source of intelligence. It is always there for you, pumping blood, never skipping a heartbeat, digesting whatever food you put in it, and maintaining homeostasis. Is this reliable, curious bio-computer manufacture a mistake by craving ice cream or a hamburger or chocolate?

Deconstructing Cravings

The foremost thing is to understand why you crave what you crave. Maybe your diet is too strict, devoid of primary nutrients. Maybe you are living a lifestyle that is too boring or stressful. Your body tries to exact the imbalance by sending you a message: a craving. The key to stopping the craving is to understand what your body no ifs ands or buts needs.

The next time you have a craving, treat it as a loving message from your body instead of as a weakness. Try these steps to sass to your body:

* First have a glass of water and wait ten minutes.

* Eat a healthier version of what you crave. For example, if you crave sweets, try eating more fruit and sweet or root vegetables.

* What is out of balance in your life? What happened in your life just before you had this craving?

* When you eat the food you are craving, enjoy it, taste it, savor it; observation its affects. Then you can be more aware and free to determine if you no ifs ands or buts want it next time.

Do you want more support deconstructing your sugar cravings? agenda a complimentary consultation with me.

Deconstructing Cravings

Fake Lashes Whole

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