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Friday, January 14, 2011

Want to relieve allergy symptoms?

Do you suffer from congestion, sinus pressure, itching or watery? If so, you are not alone. Many of my clients, friends and colleagues who have allergies recently, so I thought I'd share some remedies to relieve symptoms.



Nettle is a plant that has antihistamine and anti-inflammatory effect. In ½ teaspoon of tincture or 1-2 capsules (preferably lyophilized) every 2-4 hours can alleviate symptoms. A tincture is a liquidRetrieved, faster and more comprehensive than other forms of food supplements. Dyes should benefit from small glass bottles with a pipette.

Want to relieve allergy symptoms?

Allium cepa

This is a homeopathic remedy that runny nose and burning, tearing, relieved. Homeopathic medicines in a container that looks like the guy stick come. The container has small balls, the sweet taste and let it melt in your mouth.

Citrus seed extract

Citrus seed extract, such as grapefruit seed extract (GSE)Relieve allergy symptoms - including hay fever. Following the instructions on the package, you can add a few drops of GSE in 1 / 4 cup of water or juice 2-3 times a day do with or without meals. (Hint: You always want to dissolve in liquid GSE It 's very bitter, so that makes it easier to dissolve in the juice, low ..)

Eliminate dairy products

Dairy food is a much mucus they produce, dairy products and therefore removed from the diet during allergy season, symptoms can be reduced. I found that itremoved to experience the benefits.


Acupuncture is often used to treat allergies to stop working to stabilize the immune system, reducing the swelling and itching of local tissue inflammation, decreased secretion of the mucous membranes of nasal discharge and watery eyes, and reduce the strengthening of its natural resistance to antigens. If you want to name the therapists in your area, please email me and I would like to share some names. (Note:Many people are reluctant to acupuncture because they think it will hurt. Trust me, it is not painful. In fact, it's incredibly relaxing.)

Less risk

If you are a chronic allergy sufferers, you should check to avoid exercising outdoors. Especially on windy days, avoid, if your allergies are beyond serious.

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Want to relieve allergy symptoms?

Liquid Castile Soap

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